1 in 11 people over 65 have dementia in the UK (NHS)
Our 7th Annual Charity Trail Day is raising much needed funds for Dementia UK following it’s devastating impact on the lives of so many members of our pet trailing community. When we asked which charity they would like to support this year, Dementia UK was at the top of the list.
In Gilly’s own words, this is how dementia has impacted the lives of her family:
‘I lost my lovely hubby to Dementia (and covid) in 2021. He had suffered with this wicked condition for 15 to 20 years. I retired early to look after him and eventually made the decision to move back to North Wales to be nearer to family for support. It was a most difficult time, especially watching a really fit, capable, intelligent and clever man be slowly reduced to someone who could neither form sentences, walk, or recognise people and he being massively frustrated because of it.
Poor soul ended up in a care home because I just became unable to cope or keep him safe any more. sadly he contracted Covid and refused food and drink. He passed away the night after we ha da video call with him as we weren’t allowed to see him. I doubt he recognised us, and that makes me very sad. He hadn’t been able to speak since before covid, so we chatted a lot to him and said out goodbyes.
I wouldn’t wish dementia on my worst enemy. Dementia UK are a very supportive organisation with the support they give to dementia suffers and their carers. In addition to the research they undertake to find something to relieve this cruel, crippling and soul destroying condition.’
Join PetTrailer UK in raising money for Dementia UK as part of our 7th Annual Charity Trail Day 2024 at Blakemere Village, Northwich, Cheshire.
100% OF ALL PROCEEDS raised on the day will be DONATED to Dementia UK, the specialist dementia nursing charity that helps families face dementia. Their nurses, known as Admiral Nurses, provide free, life-changing support and advice to anyone affected by dementia.
What’s in store? A day full of fun activities for all the family including hide and seek dog trails, tombola, a friendly sausage fling to see whose dog can catch at the greatest distance, blind auction, sausage bobbing and our ‘dogbola’. Our lost animal search dogs Mabel, Herbie and their friends are definitely looking forward to the sausage catching!
About the author

Originally from the Northwest of England, Becky now lives in South Wales. A former Geologist, Becky made the jump to making her dreams of working with dogs full time a reality. Witnessing first hand the benefits trailing has on both dog and owner, an all inclusive activity with no bias against breed, disability or age, the right decision had been made. Now Becky is one of a few full time Pettrail trainers in Europe, travelling across the UK and Europe training future lost animal search dogs and assisting in lost animal searches.