Chippenham Training Trail


#ONLY 1 RUNNER TICKET LEFT#        #HANDLER PLACES - SOLD OUT# Do you want to share an adventure and spend some quality time with your dog? Try Mantrailing - work as a team with your dog to solve the mystery of the missing person. Join PetTrailer UK and learn about mantrailing and pettrailing. Regular training sessions held at various locations throughout the week, give your dog a job to do whilst strengthening the bond and trust between you. No previous experience needed. All levels welcome - beginner to experienced mantrailers! Anyone can train with us any time as each trail [...]

Chippenham Training Trail2018-10-15T16:26:06+01:00

Bath Mantrailing


Do you want to share an adventure and spend some quality time with your dog? Try Mantrailing - work as a team with your dog to solve the mystery of the missing person. Join PetTrailer UK and learn about mantrailing and pettrailing. Regular training sessions held at various locations throughout the week, give your dog a job to do whilst strengthening the bond and trust between you. No previous experience needed. All levels welcome - beginner to experienced mantrailers! Anyone can train with us anytime as each trail is unique, set for individual teams depending on their level - we have something [...]

Bath Mantrailing2018-09-15T11:07:34+01:00

Island Trailing Anglesey


Looking for an activity that’s both physically and mentally challenging for your dog? Is your dog nervous or insecure? Walked for miles and your dog still isn’t tired? Join PetTrailer UK at one of our regular training sessions and try mantrailing and pettrailing with your dog. Work as a team with your dog to solve the mystery of the missing runner. Join us in a fun, mentally challenging activity which helps build confidence as well as the bond and trust between you and your dog. Age, breed nor disability plays a part in your dog following their nose! ALL WELCOME :) [...]

Island Trailing Anglesey2018-06-14T18:59:47+01:00

Bridgend Mantrailing


Looking for an activity that’s both physically and mentally challenging for your dog? Is your dog nervous or insecure? Walked for miles and your dog still isn’t tired? Join PetTrailer UK at one of our regular training sessions and try mantrailing and pettrailing with your dog. Work as a team with your dog to solve the mystery of the missing person. Join us in a mentally challenging activity which helps build confidence as well as the handler/dog bond. Age, breed nor disability plays a part in your dog following their nose! ALL WELCOME :) For further details please contact trainer Becky [...]

Bridgend Mantrailing2018-06-14T19:04:05+01:00

Training Trail Barry


All levels welcome! This trail is for all those who would like to try pettrailing and mantrailing with their dogs. The goal is that dog and owner work together as a team to solve the mystery of the missing person… Required: suitable clothing and footwear a well-fitted harness and long leash for your dog a high value reward for your dog in the form of moist food (canned food, meat, pet pate etc.) water for your dog For further details please contact trainer Becky on 07577 676810 or

Training Trail Barry2018-06-14T19:03:27+01:00

Mantrailing Cowbridge


Do you want to share an adventure and spend some quality time with your dog? Try Mantrailing - work as a team with your dog to solve the mystery of the missing person... Join PetTrailer UK and learn about mantrailing and pettrailing. Regular training sessions held at various locations throughout the week, give your dog a job to do whilst strengthening the bond and trust between you. No previous experience needed. All levels welcome :) All you need is a well fitted harness; long leash; reward (dogs favourite food); water; suitable clothing and footwear and be prepared to be amazed by your [...]

Mantrailing Cowbridge2018-06-14T19:02:59+01:00

Penarth Training Trail


Do you want to share an adventure and spend some quality time with your dog? Try Mantrailing - work as a team with your dog to solve the mystery of the missing person... Join PetTrailer UK and learn about mantrailing and pettrailing. Regular training sessions held at various locations throughout the week, give your dog a job to do whilst strengthening the bond and trust between you. No previous experience needed. All levels welcome :) All you need is a well fitted harness; long leash; reward (dogs favourite food); water; suitable clothing and footwear and be prepared to be amazed by [...]

Penarth Training Trail2018-06-14T19:02:32+01:00

Cowbridge Training Trail


All levels welcome! This trail is for all those who would like to try pettrailing and mantrailing with their dogs. The goal is that dog and owner work together as a team to solve the mystery of the missing person… Required: suitable clothing and footwear a well-fitted harness and long leash for your dog a high value reward for your dog in the form of moist food (canned food, meat, pet pate etc.) water for your dog For further details please contact trainer Becky Smith on 07577 676810 or

Cowbridge Training Trail2018-06-12T21:33:45+01:00

Bolton Training Trail


This trail is for all those who would like to try Pettrailing with their dogs. Of course, experienced mantrailers are welcome! The goal is that dog and owner work together as a team to follow the trails to find the runner. Required: sturdy shoes and waterproof clothing a well-fitted harness for your dog a very good reward for your dog in the form of moist food (canned food, meat, tubidog etc.) water for your dog For further information or questions about the event or booking please contact us.

Bolton Training Trail2018-04-25T13:06:12+01:00

Leash handling in Magdalensberg


Leash handling and crossing work is a difficult undertaking for beginners, from learning how to handle the leash to learning how to correctly read your trainee search dog. This was successfully communicated to the participants on our latest line handling course. The day comprised of a morning of entertaining theory followed by a practical session - which was lots of fun for everybody involved. Video recordings of the practical session made it possible to see where there was still room for improvement. In the end everybody understood - that only practice makes perfect :-)  

Leash handling in Magdalensberg2018-04-10T13:23:15+01:00
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