Chippenham Pet Trailing & Mantrailing


PET SEARCH TEAM TRAINING: Chippenham, Wiltshire Could you and your dog help find lost animals? SUITABLE FOR ALL – from complete beginner to experienced trailing team. All dogs welcome! Join the only UK organisation that teaches trailing based solely on lost animal search. Join us for the ultimate game of hide and seek for you and your dog! Learn new skills or build on existing ones to progress your dog trailing adventures with fun and motivational training. Our training will help you and your dog build a solid foundation on which to build your trailing skills in the search for both [...]

Chippenham Pet Trailing & Mantrailing2022-05-07T13:04:41+01:00

Stay Calm & Keep Trailing


The ABCs of Trailing: C is for CALM One of the best things you can do to help your dog whilst trailing is to stay calm. If you panic or start to have doubts, your dog will pick up on it. Conversely if you're relaxed and trusting, your canine partner will have nothing else to worry about other than concentrating on the job at hand.

Stay Calm & Keep Trailing2020-07-05T16:18:56+01:00

How to be closer to your dog


The ABCs of Trailing: B is for BOND The irreplaceable bond strengthened through teamwork and mutual trust. Trailing is all about building a partnership and working together with your dog. You will learn to trust not just your own instincts but your dog's as well - you will be amazed being part of something that comes naturally to every dog in the world, bringing you both closer than you've ever felt before.

How to be closer to your dog2020-06-26T14:51:31+01:00
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