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5th Annual Charity Trail Day in aid of the Cinnamon Trust

Join PetTrailer UK in raising money for The Cinnamon Trust as part of our 5th Annual Charity Trail Day 2022 at Blakemere Village, Northwich, Cheshire.

100% OF ALL PROCEEDS raised on the day will be DONATED to The Cinnamon Trust The National Charity for the elderly, the terminally ill and their pets.

This year’s 5th Annual Charity Trail Day event organised by Pettrailer UK, will be a day full of fun activities for all the family including hide and seek dog trails, tombola, a friendly sausage fling to see whose dog can catch at the greatest distance, blind auction, sausage bobbing and our ‘dogbola’. Our pettrailing search dogs Mabel and Herbie are definitely looking forward to the sausage catching!

TRY A TRAIL FOR CHARITY! No ticket required, sign up on the day!

…but, if you want to beat the queues, book your trail in advance…

No experience needed, open to all trailing styles, everybody and every dog welcome! 🙂

Take part in exciting trails for you and your dog, also try your luck in our charity tombola and other fun activities – some great prizes to be won! 🙂

No previous experience needed. All levels welcome!

All you need is a well fitted harness; long line; reward (dogs favourite moist food); water; suitable clothing and footwear and be prepared to be amazed by your dogs fantastic sense of smell 🙂

Payment for the event will be completed as follows:

If you can not join us but would still like to contribute to our Charity Trail Day, please make your donation via our JustGiving page.

We thank you in advance for making this day a success.

*maximum of 2 trails per dog-handler team on the day.

For further information or questions about the event please contact trainer Becky Smith on 07577 676810 or info@pettrailer.co.uk

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