St George’s XL Trail Swindon
23. April 2023 @ 09:00 - 13:00
St George’s Day XL Trail: Swindon
For the adventurous among you! Fun and pure motivation for your dogs guaranteed. This event will comprise a mix of urban and rural sections along an aged trail requiring all your special skills as a dog handler.
Sturdy footwear is a must!
Work together with your fellow pettrailer teams, each in turn completing a section of the trail until our missing dog is located. Trust your dog and enjoy the ride!!
Join us afterwards for a well earned hot meal* whilst your super nosed team mates all have a well deserved rest!
Meeting location will be confirmed with each team prior to the start of the event.
For further details please contact trainer Becky Smith on 07577 676810 or
*meal not included
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